Tuesday 18 February 2014


Price: $149.95
Divorce rates are at an all time high and there are a lot of reasons behind it. Money is always claimed as one of the top reasons for divorce and fighting over how that money is spent, etc. can tear a couple apart. There could be a lot of other reasons though like one spouse not understanding an obsession with sports or the other not seeing how their partner could actually watch Real Housewives. Divorces can occur from the man forgetting to put the toilet seat down (there have probably even been a few murders based solely on that reason). There has probably been a few relationships that have fallen apart because one person has just become bored in the relationship. All of those reasons are probably real and occur on a regular basis but there is one thing that can destroy your marriage quicker than anything and that is snoring. People require a certain amount of time to sleep and when your spouse snores, your nights consist of broken sleep and punching them in the side to have them stop. Going to sleep becomes a race and when you lose that race, you are actually tempted to place a pillow over the face of your snoring spouse.
If snoring is an issue then you should drop those silly nose strips and look at the Hammacher Schlemmer Snore Activated Nudging Pillow. The name describes exactly what this pillow does which “listens” for your snoring to begin and gently nudges you through the pillow to stop you from continuing to snore. The simple nudge will cause you to readjust your sleeping position into one that will hopefully not cause you to snore. It also helps because your spouse will not have their dreams haunted by your terrible snoring because this will not let the snoring carry on for very long. We don’t know how healthy this is to your sleep cycle but it might save your relationship. Via Gadgets4Guys

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