Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Price: $65.00
Are you one of the men out there that “got” to help plan a wedding? Are you one of the guys that were dumb enough and had to help plan a second one? There is a part of that wedding process that includes sending out very fancy shmancy invites to the wedding that have ribbon and other bells and whistles in it. They cost way too much and are usually much more feminine because (let’s be honest) we don’t really care about the invitations. What is strange though is that those expensive invites usually go into a cheap envelope that doesn’t do the rest of it justice. We have a recommendation for that problem and its from the peeps at Stampyoface.com.
You can send in a photo of yourself or you and another person and these guys will turn that picture into a drawing. But it doesn’t stop there (because we can get that done at any white trash state fair or amusement park). They take that drawing and actually turn it into a stamp. You now have the ability to place stamps of your face anywhere you want which can include business documents and envelopes. Can you imagine how much more your guests would have appreciated those wedding invitations if there was an awkward stamp of your face on it? If companies everywhere decided to switch from that stupid “approved” stamp that goes on all accounting docs and used a portrait stamp, it would make things so much better. The stamps would be hilarious and would offer immediate accountability because you could look at the stamp and immediately see which jerk executive approved the expense. The other thing we really liked is that the company will make sure to reach out to you via email just to verify the correct instructions for the picture to be turned into a stamp. It should ensure that you get the perfect stamp and that their customers give them raving reviews.

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