Price: $10.00
There has been a big move to innovate products that have been the same for years and years (more like decades). We saw somebody create a built-in shot glass into the bottom of a Red Solo Cup which was long overdue on Shark Tank. We have seen Pebble revolutionize the watch by making it “smarter”. Google decided to turn everybody into Glassholes by developing Google Glass which basically puts your smartphone into your glasses (still very innovative). We even saw somebody try to turn a run of the mill ring into a digital display that syncs with your smartphone. Some of these innovations were very detailed and technical while others were a simple tweak to an already existing product. There has been one product that smokers (and non-smokers) will go nowhere without which is a lighter and that has been long overdue for some innovation. This is America and we want our lighter to do more than just light.